lackberg, camilla &
A thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat from the first page to the last!A kidnapped boy..A young child is snatched in broad daylight outside his nursery. Nobody in charge sees a thing, but the other children say a woman is the culprit ..The police find a link ..Detective Mina Dabiri calls on her close friend Vincent to untangle the puzzle that surrounds the kidnapped boy. As he finds a link between the boy and other others who have gone missing, it becomes clear that time is running out for everyone involved ...A looming threat..Meanwhile, Mina''s estranged daughter gets caught up in the secretive world of Epicura, a shadowy organisation that claims to be a centre for leadership development. Can Mina protect her child-a child who doesn''t even know she exists?
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EAN 9780008620158
Collection 241 poche
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