Winslow, don
Following the epic, ambitious, instant New York Times bestseller City on Fire, «The Godfather for our generation» (Adrian McKinty), comes the dramatic second novel in an epic crime trilogy from Don Winslow, #1 internationally bestselling author of the Cartel trilogy (The Power of the Dog, The Cartel and The Border)HollywoodThe city where dreams are madeOn the losing side of a bloody East Coast crime war, Danny Ryan is now on the run. The Mafia, the cops, the FBI all want him dead or in prison. With his little boy, his elderly father and the tattered remnants of his loyal crew of soldiers, he makes the classic American migration to California to start a new lifeA quiet, peaceful existenceBut the Feds track him down and want Danny do them a favor that could make him a fortune or kill himAnd when Hollywood starts shooting a film based on his former life, Danny demands a piece of the action and begins to rebuild his criminal empireThen he falls in loveWith a beautiful movie star who has a dark past of her ownAs their worlds collide in an explosion that could destroy them both, Danny Ryan has to fight for his life in a city where dreams are bornOr where they go to dieFrom the shores of Rhode Island to the deserts of California where bodies disappear, from the power corridors of Washington where the real criminals operate to the fabled movie studios of Hollywood where the real money is made, City of Dreams is a sweeping saga of family, love, revenge, survival and the fierce reality behind the dream

Quantité en stock : 1

EAN 9780008620165
Éditeur NC
Collection 241 poche
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