Asher, lauren
Meet the Lakefront Billionaires . . .Get ready for another addictive romance from Sunday Times bestselling author and TikTok sensation, Lauren AsherRafaelEllie Sinclair is a hopeless romantic who writes love songs.I''m a struggling workaholic who could inspire a hundred breakup albumsOn paper, we have nothing in common except for my sonFor eight months, I avoid her until our summer trip.Fourteen days. Two islands. And one nanny I shouldn''t be attracted to.Spending time with Ellie is expected, but enjoying her company?That isn''t part of our travel plans.After my divorce, I swore to protect my heart at all costsEven if it means breaking hers in the process.ElliWhat''s worse than working for a grumpy single dad?Admitting that I once had a secret crush on him in high school.Thankfully, Rafael Lopez and I have changed since we graduated from Wisteria HighHe is a billionaire with a company to run and a child to take care ofI''m an unemployed songwriter he hired to watch his son and teach music.We coexist without any issues until a vacation changes everything.Lines blur and old feelings for Rafael return with vengeance as I face a new dilemma.Being his son''s nanny is one thing, but wishing for moreSounds like a heartbreak song waiting to be written.The new must-read Lakefront Billionaire novel is out June 2024''Lauren Asher is an expert at giving readers everything they could ever want in a romance book. It''s impossible to avoid becoming addicted to the world she builds'' Hannah Grace

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EAN 9780349437996
Éditeur NC
Collection 241 poche
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