Secret Sister

mckenzie, sophie
Two sisters, two very different lives: the next edge-of-your-seat thriller by Sophie McKenzie set in the Girl, Missing world. Asha has spent her life on an island community built on the principle of truth. But she discovers she has been lied to about something huge a secret sister called Willow. Willow has always believed her twin sister died years ago. So when she receives a message in the middle of the night from a girl claiming to be Asha, she doesnt know what to think. Can they piece together the truth about their pasts and find their way back to each other?
EAN 9781398523265
Collection 232 jeunesse
Où nous trouver ?
35-37 allée du Rouergue
31770 Colomiers
Horaires d'ouverture

Du Mardi au Samedi : 10h-19h

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05 61 78 56 95

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