
Alone with the Hairy Ainu

landor arnold henry savage
"Embark on a riveting journey to the remote Ainu lands with Arnold Henry Savage Landor in 'Alone with the Hairy Ainu.' This captivating travel narrative takes readers deep into the heart of Japan's northernmost islands, where Landor shares his extraordinary encounters with the indigenous Ainu people. As the title suggests, Landor's account is an intimate exploration of a culture largely unknown to the outside world. Join him as he navigates through the unique landscapes, engages with Ainu traditions, and forms genuine connections with the 'Hairy Ainu.' 'Alone with the Hairy Ainu' is more than a travelogue; it's a vivid portrayal of a disappearing way of life, a testament to Landor's adventurous spirit, and a bridge between two worlds. Immerse yourself in this timeless tale of cultural discovery and human connection, where each page unveils the richness of Ainu heritage and the allure of uncharted frontiers."
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9791041981991
19,90 €

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