Secret Milan - Massimo Polidoro - JONGLEZ

Secret Milan

Massimo polidoro
Far from the crowds and the usual cliches, Milan goes unrecognized as one of the Italian cities with the greatest cultural heritage. Yet it only reveals its hidden treasures to residents and visitors who venture off the beaten track.

Discover a canal lock designed by Leonardo da Vinci as well as the secrets of his Last Supper, find out where Mussolini's hidden bunker lies, marry beneath frescoes by Tiepolo, visit artists houses usually closed to the public, see exceptional private collections, admire the sculpture of a young girl shaving her pudenda, look for the boxers carved on the roof terraces of the cathedral, and so much more ...

Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9782361956783
19,95 €

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Où nous trouver ?
35-37 allée du Rouergue
31770 Colomiers
Horaires d'ouverture

Du Mardi au Samedi : 10h-19h

Nous contacter

05 61 78 56 95

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