blake, olivie
Discover The Atlas Paradox, the electric dark academia sequel to viral sensation The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake - a No.1 Sunday Times bestseller. Inside the Alexandrian Society alliances will be tested, hearts will be broken and all must pick a side.Six magicians were offered the opportunity of a lifetimeFive are now members of the SocietyAnd two paths lie before themIn this thrilling next instalment, the secret society of Alexandrians is unmasked. Its newest recruits realize the institute is capable of raw, world-changing power. It''s also headed by a man with plans to change life as we know it - and these are already under way. But the cost of this knowledge is as high as the price of power, and each initiate must choose which faction to follow. Yet as events gather momentum and dangers multiply, which of their alliances will hold? Can friendships hold true and are enemies quite what they seemReader reviews for The Atlas Paradox''Olivie Blake has done it again'' ''More of everything I loved from the first book'' ''I was completely shocked. NOW I NEED BOOK 3''
EAN 9781529095326
Collection 241 poche
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