
The Role of Commercial Emporia in the World-System

Zohra mohamed omar, philippe régnier, pierre berthelot
Despite its small size, Djibouti has capitalized on its singular geographic position to make itself indispensable as a commercial emporium, as a vital center for global trade, as a key player in bringing stability to a troubled region, and as a location where the armed forces of the world’s great powers have established outposts. Situated at the crossroads of continents, Djibouti has long been a crossroads in many other ways, not least because three ethnic groups – Afar, Arab, and Somali – come together to form its population.

Known as Djab-bouti – the defeat of the ogress – for the Somali, ja-buta– lycanthropy – for the Afar, or jaa-bawti – my boat arrives – for the Arab, Djibouti serves as a fascinating case study in geostrategy. This book, originally the author’s PhD thesis, highlights how Djibouti developed into an essential commercial hub with a port that outshines others in the region. In detailing the country’s vision, it also shows Djibouti over time to be at another crossroads – between its precolonial and colonial past and a future that can be crucial to the world’s commercial prosperity and geopolitical harmony.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9782336490120
Collection Diplomacy and strategy
31,00 €

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